Home is where the heart is.
We’re excited to announce that Loveworks will return to downtown Norman with a historic new location at 219 E Gray St!
Since 2011, the Loveworks team has mobilized Norman community members and volunteers to engage, inspire, and develop young leaders through a variety of innovative programs focused on leadership, life skills, and character development. This move will allow Loveworks to create and provide an inspiring and functional space that meets the needs of students, families, and the community. Learn more below about how you can contribute to bringing this space to life.
About the location
- More centralized location, making it easier for students from all parts of town to join us!
- Built in 1920, this downtown building once served as Norman’s City Hall, adding a rich piece of history to our new home.
- Our plans include a stunning auditorium featuring one of Downtown Norman's few original barrel ceilings—perfect for events, performances, and gatherings.
- Plans include 5 learning studios and a large kitchen for Family Dinner and life-skills development.

Every dollar we raise is a step closer to creating a space where dreams come alive. Your generous gift to our building campaign isn’t just an investment in infrastructure; it’s an investment in the community, the programs, and the shaping of our future leaders.
Sponsorship Levels:
- Dream Maker ($25,000+) : Large logo or name shown on Loveworks Ball Pit, a beloved icon of Loveworks and our most popular spot for photos and fun
- Studio Sponsor ($10,000): Your name or logo displayed on a prominent placard of 1 of 5 studios for 3 years
- Auditorium Sponsor ($10,000): Your name or logo displayed on a prominent placard on our auditorium for 3 years
- Love Sponsor ($5,000): Your name or logo displayed on a plaque in our communal space for 3 years
- Heartbeat Sponsor ($1,200): Sign one of our Golden Balls which will be displayed on our "Golden Givers" shelf for 1 year
- Downtown Sponsor ($500)
- Pulse Sponsor ($100)
- All donors will be honored on a list on our website unless otherwise requested
Dream Makers

Jeff & Kathy Marr
Studio Sponsors
The Sandt Family in Memory of Barbara Engleman
Auditorium Sponsors
Logan Clawson
Love Sponsors
Dr. Jim and Dale Cobb

Heartbeat Sponsors
Jamie and Angela Guthrie
Joel and Betsy Spitler

Downtown Sponsors
Ralph Cissne

Pulse Sponsors
The Zumwalt Family
Tori Rose
Kylah Barrett
Charlie and Linda Nicholson
Bola Ibidapo